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Anakuhi:Infobox Country

Mai Wikipedia
[[File:{{{image_flag}}}|125px|{{{alt_flag}}}]] [[File:{{{image_coat}}}|85px|{{{alt_coat}}}]]
({{{flag_link}}}) ({{{coat_link}}})
Motto: {{{motto}}}
Official language {{{official_language}}}
Largest city {{{largest_city}}}
{{{head_of_state_type}}} {{{head_of_state_name}}}
{{{head_of_government_type}}} {{{head_of_government_name}}}
Political system {{{political_system}}}
Area {{{area}}}
 - Density
Currency {{{currency}}}
Time zone {{{time_zone}}}
Anthem {{{anthem}}}
National Day {{{national_day}}}
Internet Domain {{{internet_domain}}}
Calling Code {{{calling_code}}}


How to use:

{{Infobox Country
| name                    = 
| image_flag              = 
| alt_flag                = 
| image_coat              = 
| alt_coat                = 
| flag_link               = 
| coat_link               = 
| motto                   = 
| image_map               = 
| map_width               = 
| alt_map                 = 
| official_language       = 
| capital                 = 
| capital_coordinate      = 
| largest_city            = 
| head_of_state_type      = 
| head_of_state_name      = 
| head_of_government_type = 
| head_of_government_name = 
| political_system        = 
| area                    = 
| population              = 
| density                 = 
| independence            = 
| currency                = 
| time_zone               = 
| anthem                  = 
| national_day            = 
| internet_domain         = 
| calling_code            = 
| note                    = 